Monday, April 18, 2016

Want HEADACHE Relief for FREE?

Are you tired of buying aspirin or medications for your headache pain?  Then maybe you should look at this pocket guide to rid yourself of those nagging and uncomfortable headaches.

Inside this handy pocket guide you'll find:

11 simple, 1,2,3 step plans for every kind of headache you can imagine; And all you'll need is your fingers!
Includes Stress Relief Exercises & Natural Healers like: Tea-Roots or Seed

Well known secrets of ancient Oriental skin surface pressure point techniques that are more of a preventative approach to healing than drugs.

Most books on the subject of skin surface, pressure point therapy can be found under the titles of Shiatsu, Acupressure, or Reflexology.

Some of the earliest writings on traditional Chinese medications date back over 2,000 years.
Today many cultures use this natural body energy with great success. This incredible science of the body has an effect on your personal energy flow and is used in the healing of a variety of aches and pains!

ORDER 64 page SOFTCOVER TODAY for ONLY $1.95 including Shipping & Handling. (SAVE 60% off the retail price). Send payment using PayPal to  Include your mailing address.