Saturday, December 3, 2016

POLI GLOW is the way to go!

Are you one of those people who spend time waxing your RV, Boat, Corvette or anything that's fiberglass, and expect it to last a good year or so?  THEN STOP RIGHT NOW!

What if you could have an easier way to make your toy look good for a year or more?  Well, NOW YOU DO!

We introduce you to Poli Glow, a complete kit that not only makes it easier for you to make all your fiberglass items look brand new, it lasts a lot longer than regular "wax on, wax off".

First you dilute the cleaner, spray an area, use the brush, then rinse off. After it dries, start with pouring a small amount in the mitt and wipe on in one direction leaving no bubbles.

You don't actually start seeing the shine until the 4th coat.  Instructions say 4 to 6 coats for superior protection from the brutal summer sun.  We live in Florida and coated our 28' RV with five coats and it's so shiny that people in our storage area have asked how it got so nice and new looking.

Try this seemingly miracle kit and you'll get the best protection you've ever had. "water & hose optional."  This is NOT designed for metal surfaces, just fiberglass!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Selling Survival

"The newbies book to LEARN and EARN"

This eBook has been revised from an original 1984 paperback publication with some updated information on selling techniques and nutrition.  It’s a must read for anyone not knowing what they want to do in life to earn a living.

Selling Survival was compiled for those who haven't found their career as yet and want to explore a way of life that allows one to earn a good income. The guidelines are from over 20 years experience from the author who started in sales right out of the military and went on to achieve a successful career in sales of all kinds.  If you're good in sales, you'll NEVER be out of work, and you'll always have an income.

Order full version today for ONLY $1.99

Monday, April 18, 2016

Want HEADACHE Relief for FREE?

Are you tired of buying aspirin or medications for your headache pain?  Then maybe you should look at this pocket guide to rid yourself of those nagging and uncomfortable headaches.

Inside this handy pocket guide you'll find:

11 simple, 1,2,3 step plans for every kind of headache you can imagine; And all you'll need is your fingers!
Includes Stress Relief Exercises & Natural Healers like: Tea-Roots or Seed

Well known secrets of ancient Oriental skin surface pressure point techniques that are more of a preventative approach to healing than drugs.

Most books on the subject of skin surface, pressure point therapy can be found under the titles of Shiatsu, Acupressure, or Reflexology.

Some of the earliest writings on traditional Chinese medications date back over 2,000 years.
Today many cultures use this natural body energy with great success. This incredible science of the body has an effect on your personal energy flow and is used in the healing of a variety of aches and pains!

ORDER 64 page SOFTCOVER TODAY for ONLY $1.95 including Shipping & Handling. (SAVE 60% off the retail price). Send payment using PayPal to  Include your mailing address.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The joy of an RV Dual Flush tank rinser!

Camping and fishing for anyone can be a great experience if that is what you like.  But for this article, I’m going to focus more on the camping issues one can face if you camp with an RV.  If you’re using a tent, that’s OK, but this is more about a few things needing attention while you’re using an RV.

Once you get your RV all set up, then you can just enjoy all of its amenities and comforts during your camping time.

When you’re ready to break down and leave your camp site, then getting ready is almost a reverse of what you had to do when you set up.  However, there are a few exceptions.  And as much as it’s not such a glamorous topic, I’m going to inform you of how to make your departure a little more complete.

Yes, I’m talking about emptying your grey and black water tanks!  The grey water comes from your sinks and shower and you can only guess where the black water comes from.
Not every park has a sewer hookup at your site, but they normally have a dump station where you can accomplish this not so great task.

I’m not exactly sure why one of those holding tanks are called “black water” because when it’s being drained out it really looks more like brown to me!  I wonder why that is!
In any case, it seems that most RV’ers just hook up their sewer hose directly to the outlet pipe under the RV and insert the outlet end into the sewer hole.  Then they open the black water handle first, wait a few minutes, and then open the grey water handle. 
You can easily hear the fluid running out of those tanks, right up to the point to where they are almost emptied.

It’s at that point when the guessing comes into play as to rather the tank is empty or still has some liquid left.  You almost have to lift the sewer hose out of the draining end to see if your task is completed or not.

Not wanting to guess any longer, we decided to buy an RV Dual Flush holding tank rinser to make our dumping job a lot easier.

You just connect it between your sewer line and the connector pipe under your RV.  When you pull any one of the water handles, you get to see the liquid flowing until there is no more. For me personally, it’s almost entertaining!

You can get real gross if you like and say things like “there’s last nights burrito”.
Lucky for us, we have a water hose connector to our black water tank, so we can actually see that all the nasty matter is completely flushed out.

When you’re done emptying your tanks, you just connect your water hose to the Dual Flush rinser, and it allows you to flush the tank line and hose line without having to disconnect it.  Of course you always use rubber gloves when performing this type of task.  Happy flushing!